The Joy of Giving
We have the honour and pleasure of helping our customers find something
beautiful to give as a gift to someone they love or care for. As I watch faces
light up when discovering that special gift, I ask myself, “Why do we find
such joy in giving and why is it so much more joyful during the holiday season?”
I believe it is because the Season is a time we reflect back on our year and
remember the good fortune we have experienced. It is a time to cozy in and
gather. To celebrate and be thankful for the love and support we have been given.
This time of year inspires us to share these feelings of love and goodwill.
We reach out to those around us and to those who haven’t had a good year;
those who need someone in their corner. True giving from our hearts, feeds
our souls and brings joy to our lives.
The really great thing about giving is that it is contagious. If I’ve been given
a gift of kindness, time or something pretty, it makes me feel so good and
I want to share that feeling with someone else by giving to them. The more
we give, the better we feel. The better we feel the happier we are and so
the circle goes.
going on but especially during the holidays. In our little shop we will again
this year be offering a wrapping service with proceeds going to the
Lymphedema Association of Saskatchewan. We do this to raise awareness
of this disease and a few dollars to help those who need it. You will find
many opportunities to make a difference for someone throughout the city.
We love the generosity of spirit that comes at this time of year and look
forward to sharing the joy of the season with you! We all make a difference.
Is this the world you want?
You’re making it. Every day you’re alive.
You change the world.
- Switchfoot